Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

The Rotated Boxes exercise is too hard for me, i tried my best but result is terrible. Should i move on?


2021-11-23 05:42



2021-11-23 17:06

It is completely normal for the rotated boxes to be extremely challenging. We by no means ask or expect for students to execute this exercise perfectly, or even well. Rather, it's an introduction to the idea that in a drawing, we're not going to be tethered to a bunch of specific, plotted vanishing points, and that a scene can involve tons of vanishing points beyond the standard 1, 2, and 3 point perspective systems.

Once you've given the exercise a solid attempt (pushing through to completion, rather than leaving parts unfinished, even if they look awful), then you should be good to continue on.


2021-11-23 17:08

You should post the boxes for review either on the website or in the discord and let someone who has done it before decide.

Asking for validation here without even posting the work is not fair.


2021-11-24 01:21

Sorry. My phone camera just terrible.


2021-11-23 18:20

If you had actually read the lessons like you were supposed to, you would recall the instructor saying several of the lessons are designed to make you fall on your face, one of them being the rotated box exercise

Watch the videos. Read the articles.


2021-11-24 01:21

I read them all. Just feel nervous.


2021-11-24 04:26

Fair enough.

Youre gonna be bad at everything when you first start. Even the best artists started with stick people


2021-11-23 20:46

Yes. Rotated boxes is the hardest exercise in lesson 1, if you're a beginner it's unlikely it'd come out well. Finish the lesson and submit it online for critique, then it can be seen if you can move on from lesson 1 or not.