Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Quick question


2021-11-22 06:37


For context, I picked up drawing regularly again in the last couple months which I'm really proud of, and am working on developing my skills. Just recently I realized I'm going through a little bit of a burnout so I've decided to fully take a break from drawing and do some self care stuff for the next couple days at least.

I also like to make music occasionally- which I hope to get more into eventually- but for now it's more casual. My question is: if I'm committing to putting down the drawing pad for a couple days and recharging my creative battery, would casually making some tunes be a bad idea? It's not something that requires much effort since I'm pretty amateur, and like I said it's fairly casual. Though, I could understand how it might be sucking some of that creative energy regardless. Thoughts?


2021-11-22 18:19

Given that your question appears to be more general, try posting it over on /r/learnart - the folks there should be able to help you out.. This subreddit is reserved for those working through the lessons on drawabox.com as explained here.


2021-11-22 18:23

Got it, thank you!


2021-11-22 18:23

Got it, thank you!