Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

How Clean Does Your Homework Need to Be?


2021-11-21 05:18


I'm currently on the final set of homework for Lesson 1, but my work for the boxes isn't the neatest. I keep misjudging the dimensions for the frames and redoing them, plus I keep going over my lines when they don't link up right (to each other).

Should I redo the homework until it comes out clean or just submit it as is?


2021-11-21 20:26

You should submit the work as it is currently, but in the future you're going to have to actively avoid correcting your mistakes. It's not that messy work is inherently an issue (if the best one is capable of is messy work that's what they should be submitting - submitting the best of which one is capable right now is a student's only responsibility), but correcting your mistakes is a bad habit you'll want to try to cut off.

It helps to remember that these are all just exercises - that being where you're expected to make mistakes, so people can use them to identify what you're misunderstanding, and what you may simply need more practice with. So if you make a mistake, attempting to fix it isn't useful because it is at best going to make things messier, at worst it might do exactly what you're hoping for - hide signs of the mistakes in the first place.