Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Is it bad practice to put a dot on where I want my line to go?


2021-11-20 06:44


I'm on lesson 1 and drawing the edges of boxes is hard for me. When I put a dot where I intend for the lines to go it looks better and is much easier than just drawing it and messing up the angle I intended for it to be at. I'm not sure if I should not do this and just draw my lines into open space without anything guiding it besides my head in the moment solely.


2021-11-20 15:55

Not at all - it is quite specifically something you should be doing for all your straight lines, as part of the "planning" phase of the ghosting method. As explained here, the ghosting method is to be used for every mark you make throughout this course - although you can probably be a bit less strict about that when it comes to texture/detail.

Not every mark lends itself to having a starting and end point you can mark down, so in that case the 'planning' phase becomes more about identifying other aspects of the mark you want to make beforehand (rather than just rushing into making the mark without forethought), but for straight lines, there's no reason not to. Just make sure the points you add are small enough to be engulfed by the line once it's drawn.