Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Hi! I have a question


2021-11-12 16:28


So I finished lesson 1 a few days ago. Struggled a lot doing it. And I read that I should critique other peoples work so that my homework gets more visibility and it gets corrected and to help the community.

The thing is I barely did lesson 1, and even though I read the guide on how to critique, I dont feel confident enough to review someone elses!

Should I just wait?


2021-11-12 16:34

Alternatively, you may want to make use of the unofficial "critique exchange" program being run on the discord server (in the #critique-exchange channel). Right now, community feedback obviously has its issues, which we do want to address, but won't be able to until other more important things have been implemented. Elodin's critique exchange program largely seeks to smooth things over by allowing Lesson 1 submissions to simply be added to a queue to receive feedback, whereas those submitting later lessons/challenges have to first get a certain number of critiques done before they get feedback on theirs.

That way those who can't ostensibly critique anything else (like yourself) can get feedback, and then those who have moved further along have something to critique.