Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Am I meant to do the 250 box challenge all at once?


2021-11-12 09:53


So far I've drawn 30 boxes, but I was wondering if I'm meant to get the boxes I draw critiqued every 10 boxes or so. I'm worried that I'll royally mess up the 250 boxes and then fail the challenge and have to do it again.


2021-11-12 16:44

You are indeed intended to complete the box challenge in full before submitting the challenge for critique. If you were to seek feedback after every page, then the sheer overhead of people providing that much feedback per student would be pretty unfeasible.

You can however, at various points, seek feedback on partial work on our discord chat server. All other homework submissions (be it here on the subreddit or on the website for official critiques) should be completed in full.


2021-11-12 23:05

Ok thank you