Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I've set out on a quest to rerecord the Drawabox video content - starting with Lesson 1's Lines section


2021-02-13 04:31



2021-02-13 04:32

I'm also updating diagrams and lesson content - for example, Lesson 1's first 3 pages have been updated as well.

Working through the whole course will be a long process taking several months, but I'm hoping to overhaul everything by the time I'm done.


2021-02-13 06:41

Your video update will be like the Golden Gate Bridge painting. Once youre done, you have to start from the beginning again, lol


2021-02-13 15:11

Hahahaha. Well, I like to think that every time I revise the course (I've done it a few times now!) the results last for at least a few years, and each time they last a bit longer than the last. Maybe this will be the last time!

...but probably not.


2021-02-13 17:58

I remember seeing in some of your videos where you used the older drawabox site, you had extra sections (I believe human head/faces was one of them) that are now gone. Do you plan on expanding the course, or keeping it as it is, and revising it for now?


2021-02-13 20:20

Back then, once I'd finished the core lessons, I made the mistake of assuming that the appropriate next step would be to simply cover more things, in order to allow for growth, more content, more money, etc. Eventually I came to the conclusion that this was the wrong thing to do, as it caused me to attempt to teach things that I wasn't as competent at covering, and that other resources handled better.

So, I opted instead to focus my attention on the core of the course, going back over it, applying what I'd learned from teaching students (from the official homework critiques) back to the content to strengthen it, make it clearer, etc. That is what I largely intend to continue doing for the foreseeable future.


2021-02-13 09:18

Thank you for everything youve done and everything youre doing. You crated an amazing community and inspired thousands of struggling and broke artists. Its exciting to see your project evolve. I cant wait to see the lessons revamped!


2021-02-13 15:13

Haha, you and me both. I'm excited to update the content with what I've learned from critiquing students since the last round of changes.


2021-02-13 12:54

Love you Box Daddy


2021-02-13 12:54

I love you both


2021-02-13 06:57

You know, I wasn't looking at the mess until you pointed it out.


2021-02-13 15:11

Your observational skills need work!


2021-02-13 18:10

Lol how dare you, I'll have you know I was practicing active listening


2021-02-13 07:35



2021-02-13 15:12

Good thing you caught it!


2021-02-13 11:05

TIL uncomfortable is not blond. <3

I'm really looking forward to these new videos, thanks for making them! My now 7-year old also likes drawing boxes, thanks to you, too :D


2021-02-13 15:13

The thought of a blond me makes me laugh!


2021-02-14 13:59



2021-02-13 16:13

Thank you for the constant flood of great content! What did you think would happen when you first created this subreddit, before the site and all. Its just something Im curious about since what you do is unusual


2021-02-13 20:13

When I started the subreddit, it was mainly just to share very rough things I'd learned. The lessons were hand-written, the homework was effectively just pulled from the course I'd taken myself, and while I was doing homework critiques for free from the beginning, they weren't that elaborate. I didn't mean for it to turn into anything, and rather than turning it into a business, I was planning at most to maybe use it to raise my reputation to a point where me running a mentorship might be an option. Like, a few students, something to make some extra pocket change each month.

It definitely went in a very different direction, starting from when people started demanding a way to donate money to the project, leading me to start a patreon campaign.


2021-02-13 17:47

You have a face!!! That's amazing.

Seriously though. Thanks for the courses. It's made such a different for me.


2021-02-13 20:13

I do indeed!


2021-02-13 18:09

Thank you so much for all the work you put into this! Its made drawing so much less intimidating and just... logical and strategic.

Will the links in the lessons be updated or will we have to just look through the YouTube channel to find them?


2021-02-13 20:21

The links are updated as I release the videos, so all those with the newer thumbnails link to the new videos. All those with the older thumbnails are content that is not yet updated. This is a process that will take many months.


2021-02-13 20:24

Got it, thanks!


2021-02-13 20:25

You're welcome.


2021-02-13 20:58

Awesome, what a wonderful resource! Keep up the good work!!


2021-02-13 21:08

Just wanted to use this opportunity to give my big thanks to you - I always dreamt of starting drawing one day, but I didn't know where to start. In early January this year I discovered this site and I'm absolutely blown away. I'm totally in love with drawing now.

The moment I drew one of the split-up sausages with the different textures, I genuinely couldn't believe how good it looked. I couldn't believe that was done by me. I had never drawn something I liked before.

And ever since that day a few weeks ago, I'm literally obsessed.

All of my free time is spent on drawing now. I work until 4-5pm, and then I'm drawing until 8-9pm, every day. Whole day on weekends.

I can't stop. I'm in love. All I can think about is drawing.

I'm not joking. Drawing is so much fun.

I'm on lesson 6, but I'm taking it slower now because I'm trying to adhere to your 50% rule (and I'm simultanously learning from other sources how to draw portraits now).

Anyway, long way of saying thanks. I will soon support you on patreon, because you have genuinely given me so much joy and many days of drawing to look forward to!


2021-02-13 23:21

I'm glad that Drawabox was able to open up drawing for you, and that you're having as much fun as you are.

One thing I do want to call a bit of attention to though is that it looks like your first swing was definitely a bit on the quicker side. You mentioned you started in early January, and are now at Lesson 6. I'm not worried or anything, as you're clearly seeing your own improvement. Just keep in mind that the quickest I've ever had a student complete the course (in terms of following the official critique) was about 5-6 months.

Just to make sure you're pacing yourself well, I'd recommend taking a look at some of the recordings over on ScyllaStew's YouTube channel. They show in realtime how each exercise from Lessons 1 and 2 can be approached.


2021-02-13 23:44

Hey! Video guy here. If you ever need help with motion design, animations, or wanna know how to do something pm me! I'd love to help and love your series(I wouldn't charge you)! Thanks for everything you do!


2021-02-14 04:15

Thanks for the offer! I do have a policy of always paying for any work I have others do for Drawabox (for a variety of reasons, not least of which that it is a for-profit business, so accepting free labour feels morally wrong to me), but that also means that I always factor in my expected return on investment for that sort of thing.

I will of course keep you in mind for when I do start exploring investing more into the video content for the course.


2021-02-14 04:23

If you pm me I'll give you example of my work if need be. Love your courses.


2021-02-14 00:30

What a coinkydink, I was just thinking that it was time to redo the draw a box lessons!


2021-02-14 04:28

I've been putting off starting this course for ages. I think you just gave me a good reason to start.