Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Unfortunate Delays to the Drawabox Community Platform, and a short pause on Lesson 2-7 Critiques


2019-12-27 23:03


Hey folks. As many of you know, the last several months have been spent developing a community platform for the Drawabox website that would move all homework submissions (both free and for private/official critiques) onto the website itself, with proper integration with patreon to simplify a lot of the process that over the last many years has largely been done in a somewhat haphazard fashion through Reddit.

This was intended to be released on New Years Day (being on the first of the month is relevant to the patreon integration and the transition being as painless as possible).

I've put a great deal of effort - working through the holiday season and all - to keep on track with this, but unfortunately I received a call earlier today that requires everything be put on hold. My grandfather has passed away, and as I have to fly out immediately to be there for my family, I will not be able to get the last pieces together by my January 1st deadline. I will be pushing the community platform release back to February 1st.

I know many of you have been waiting patiently for this considerable update (specifically /u/mithrilda and /u/vktrsenpai), and there are some of you who have delayed your own projects to properly coincide with some of the lesson updates I was planning on releasing alongside it all. For all of that, I apologize.

While I am out of town - both for the funeral and to help out as much as I can - I will be, for the first time in five and a half years, be closing homework submissions for lessons 2 and above for about two weeks. They will reopen on January 10th 2020.

Lesson 1 and Box Challenge submissions will still be accepted as they are handled by my teaching assistants - they may be a little more delayed than usual.


2019-12-28 00:54

I hope you're doing okay. I'm really sorry about what you're going through. Good luck on the projects and I hope you and your family are well.


2019-12-28 01:33

It is what it is. I haven't yet had the chance to process the loss - just have to set aside the stress over the community platform and focus on getting across the continent and being away from home and my other responsibilities for an undetermined period of time. Things will be back to normal before too long though, so I just need to get through it all and try to help my grandmother and mother through this as best I can.


2019-12-28 02:24

Sorry for your loss.


2019-12-28 02:49

Im sorry for your loss. I hope yours folks can recover.


2019-12-28 04:10

The things you do here are important - but not more important than your family and your life. Please take care of yourself. Failing to do that means you can't be there for us in the future. I am sorry for your loss. Please take your time. Ganbatte Kudasai!


2019-12-28 06:41

Condolences to you and your family during this difficult time - as others have said, you and your family should be your top priority. I'm sure everyone will agree and understand as to why there is a delay. I'm just appreciative of all you've done for our community, and learning to draw from your exercises has personally changed my life. Thank you for everything!


2019-12-28 07:53

My condolences to you and your family bro. Never would I expect anyone to put aside family in times like these . Please take time to focus as much as you need on the situation youre in and the community will await and understand your situation quite well. Peace


2019-12-28 08:25

I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm glad you can go and be with your family in this difficult time.


2019-12-28 09:50

Long time lurker here. I am sure everyone on this subbreddit is extremely grateful for the work you put into this great content. But as it often does, real life get in the way. Take as much time as you need to process and be with your family during this difficult time and dont pressure yourself into any deadlines. As someone who lost their father a few years back, spending quality time with your family and been allowed to grieve properly is important not only for yourself but for those around you. Wish you all the best during this difficult time.


2019-12-28 13:42

Thank you, I appreciate that - and my condolences for your loss. I can't imagine what it would be like to lose my father, and the thought is something that has weighed on me today.


2019-12-29 11:50

Thanks. He had been ill for a while so not a surprise and I managed to spent some quality time with him before he passed. I know its a bit of a cliche but you do have to enjoy the time you can with the people you care about the most.


2019-12-28 12:33

Look after yourself, boss.


2019-12-28 13:32

Sorry for your loss


2019-12-28 13:40

Thanks for the kind words of understanding and support. Sorry that I can't reply to each and every one, but know that I have been reading them and that they are appreciated.


2019-12-28 17:13

Sorry for your loss


2019-12-28 17:53

Sorry for your loss


2019-12-28 18:08

Take care boss, hope everything goes well with you.


2019-12-28 20:17

Sorry for your loss.


2019-12-29 07:16

My condolences for the loss of your grandfather.