Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Drawabox Pens are back in stock! Our first run got a great response, so we're looking to do this for the long run to help give students an accessible source of more fairly priced, high quality fineliners


2019-07-03 14:40



2019-07-03 14:44

We've gotten another order of 2000 pens (200 packs), same as last time. As we move forwards however, we're planning on ordering larger batches (likely 4000 next time), and doing so earlier in order to decrease the amount of time between restockings until we can finally maintain a steady, continuous supply.

Apologies to those of you who signed up for email notifications while the pens were out of stock - if you signed up prior to June 29th, it didn't go through, as I stupidly left in a piece of code that only made the function work when it was tested by me specifically. I figured people didn't care much for the notification idea, but once we fixed it we had 12 people sign up across 3 days. There were probably a number of you over the last two weeks who'd tried.

If any of you have questions about the pens, feel free to ask them. And if those of you who bought them in the last round have any feedback to offer, please feel free!


2019-07-04 00:25

Do you ship internationally? To the UK.


2019-07-04 03:40

We do, but the UK generally has some of the best access to reasonably priced fineliners (at least from what I've heard), so I'd check out local options first. If you do end up deciding to go with us, shipping to the UK is approximately $14.25 USD for the cheapest option, so one pack would run you $30.75 ($3.08/pen) and two packs would run you $47.25 ($2.36/pen).


2019-07-04 18:14

Thanks. Ill look at your site for links to recommended fineliners.


2019-07-03 15:23

These are great pens, Ive really enjoyed having high quality fineliners that I didnt feel guilty using due to cost. Plus Ive been able to give some to my kids, who have enjoyed using them as well. Thanks again for doing this!


2019-07-03 15:31

I'm glad to hear it!


2019-07-03 16:03

Just ordered some. I'll be interested how it compares to the random ballpoint I've been using for the ghosted lines/planes


2019-07-03 16:05

Awesome! The main difference you'll find between ballpoints and fineliners is that the mark it's going to make is going to be much richer and darker, even with minimal pressure. Fineliners basically don't let you sketch lightly - they'll put a solid mark down regardless, which forces you to take your time and value each stroke a lot more, and to learn to be more mindful with every mark.


2019-07-03 17:20

Sounds good. Do you find that they have a more even thickness of line compared to ballpoints? I ask because with the ballpoints I've used, the line's thickness seems to waver unless I hold it at an angle which obscures a bit too much of the page, due to the whole "you actually need to touch the ball bit to the paper and that's not possible at certain angles" thing. (Getting the appropriate muscle discipline to lock my wrist in a natural, non-shaky manner definitely plays a role in it too, I admit, but I'm still curious).


2019-07-03 17:25

These are indeed likely to be thicker compared to the ballpoints you've been using, although you can achieve a wide range of line weights with a single fineliner depending on how much pressure you apply.


2019-07-03 16:09



2019-07-03 16:15

I really wish art supplies werent so expensive. Being a broke artist SUCKS


2019-07-03 16:18

It sure as hell ain't easy. That's more or less what Drawabox has always been about - taking the important information and making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Now we're just extending that to the supplies needed, since that's been the next biggest barrier to students working through the lessons properly.


2019-07-03 16:47

Just be happy you're not painting. The price of paint alone repels me from considering it.


2019-07-03 22:50

Just use blood and semen and you'll be fine.


2019-07-05 18:21

I paint but I buy the .50 cent bottles from Walmart lololol


2019-07-03 18:38

This is why digital art has always appealed to me. Much faster setup, no cleanup, no ongoing supply costs, faster iteration.

Though, I will say, while I was skeptical of the DaB requirement of doing lessons in pen at first, I definitely agree with the requirement. On digital (say, an iPad with Procreate), it's far too easy to get tied up in settings and brushes and quick-undoing your mistakes, which won't let you learn from your mistakes.


2019-07-03 19:31

Send your address, Ill buy you a pack.


2019-07-04 08:40

Keep on keepin on, you beautiful bastard


2019-07-05 18:20

Awh that's really sweet but I shouldnt give my personal information out to anyone online just to stay safe:)


2019-07-12 18:30

Get a P.O. Box. Then get people to send you stuff. Ask for pizza.


2019-07-12 19:30

Ha! Thanks:)


2019-07-03 16:19

here's a bright idea, how about you release a "Art of" book which is a collection of all the best works ever submitted for each lesson, which would also have some before/after draw-aobx images of some of the students work, sortoff like a community souvenir. if you do decide to make it make it a limited edition hardcover.


2019-07-03 16:21

I actually do want to eventually release the Drawabox lessons as a book in the next few years, once I'm fully confident that there aren't going to be major revisions that I want to make to any of the content of the core 7 lessons/challenges. Throwing in something like this would definitely be a nice touch, so I'll definitely keep it in mind. I'll have to set some money aside in the budget to pay those students for the use of their work though.


2019-07-03 16:28

That sounds awesome!


2019-07-03 16:27

I ordered when the first batch started and they have been awesome so far, but I have a question for maintaining quality for a single pen in the pack.

Im only about 2-3 pens through my current pack, but it seemed like one of them was already starting to get dry and hard to use. Could this be because of leaving it out in the open (for reference my room is really cold). Could the temperature of my room be the problem?

I would definitely like some tips on how to avoid this in the future and help make my pens last longer.

Theyve been really great to use and appreciate you doing this!


2019-07-03 16:37

I don't think the frigidity of the room would be an issue, but cold temperatures usually also come with a drier climate. That would definitely contribute to the pens drying out more quickly.

A greater concern however would be how exactly you're drawing. For example, if you have a tendency to apply a lot of pressure when you draw (as many beginners do), you will likely damage the tips of your fineliners. Ours are a more resilient than, say, microns, but that really goes for any brand. With good fineliners, there's really no need to press hard anyway, and it can also have the downside of resulting in lines that feel a little more stiff and lifeless.


2019-07-03 19:23

Ah, you know what it could be that I am apply just a tad bit of pressure than what I probably need, it certainly feels that way at least.

Ill try to apply less pressure and see how that goes.

Thanks for the reply!


2019-07-03 18:38

As a happy customer from the first batch of pens, I highly recommend them.


2019-07-03 19:18

That's great to hear! :D


2019-07-03 20:18

Lol. I'm probably one of those 12 because this was super timely. Just bought a pack because these sharpie fumes are getting next to me.


2019-07-03 20:19

Hahaha, those ultrafine sharpies do draw pretty well considering their cost, but everything's gotta have a downside.


2019-07-03 20:43

I love my Pigma microns, but this is great for people who needed an alternate source for these kinds of pens


2019-07-03 21:38

Would anyone happen to know if comic multi liner pens would be good for these as well. I use them frequently but want to know if it is good for these exercises


2019-07-03 23:59

They definitely are, and many people prefer multiliners to microns.


2019-07-03 23:32

Luckily microns are generally pretty affordable too. I've usually found them to be somewhat less resilient, but I'm glad they've been serving you well!


2019-07-03 22:27

Just ordered my pair! Currently I've been using Staedtler Pigment Liner (0.5 mm). I look forward to seeing how these compare.


2019-07-03 23:32

Pigment liners have generally been my pens of choice as well, so when I was testing out different samples from suppliers, that was the standard I was comparing them to. I feel pretty confident that the ones we found were roughly equal, if not slightly better. I hope you find the same!


2019-07-04 00:09

Do you know how they work for lefties who write at an extreme angle?


2019-07-04 03:43

Do you mean an extremely low angle? I'm not sure any fineliners will draw at extremely low angles, but these definitely hold up better than most. I'm able to draw at a 40 degree angle to the page (I generally draw at around 50 degrees).


2019-07-04 02:01

Ordered. I hope I can fit a drawing class into my fall schedule.


2019-07-04 03:44

Just remember to pace yourself - it's not a race, and you don't need to devote hours for each sitting. It's more important that you be regular and disciplined.


2019-07-04 04:23

I've been a Patreon sub for like a year and slacked off so hard. I'm shooting for a similar time slot to sketch and paint each day, and just learn some more perspective and value.

But really, thanks for all your help and hard work. It's an amazing program.


2019-07-04 04:07

Just ordered a pack! I really liked the Pigma Microns I used a couple years ago, but am not happy at all with the Stabilo I'm currently using.


2019-07-04 13:20

People do have interesting opinions on microns - some swear by them, while others find them to run dry rather quickly, and have nibs that wear out more easily than others. Either way, at least in my opinion, ours are much better than microns (and definitely better than stabilos) so I'm fairly confident you'll like them.


2019-07-04 13:50

As someone who's just starting out on these lessons, this is really awesome! I have a feeling I'll be needing some extra pens stocked up for the line work alone!


2019-07-04 15:01

Best of luck as you start out on this harrowing journey!


2019-07-04 18:15



2019-07-04 19:01

:D That's great to hear! I'm glad you had a good experience with them.