Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Two more things to top off the holiday season: 7 more videos (targeting lessons 3-5) and all previously patreon-only demo recordings are accessible by all!


2018-01-02 00:07



2018-01-02 00:10

Here are direct links to the new videos, though they're all linked in the lessons where appropriate:

Also, as mentioned in the title, all the recordings of demos that were previously restricted to my patreon supporters are now available to everyone. They're linked directly from the lessons as well. They're nothing that special, as they don't have any audio explanations, but at least you can see my process in realtime, alongside reading the written content.

Don't forget - it's new years, so lots of people are out and about on reddit posting about how they'd like to learn to draw this year. So if you see such a post and feel /r/ArtFundamentals and drawabox have helped you, make sure you share it with others!


2018-01-02 06:36

Thank you! They're really helpful.


2018-01-02 15:51



2018-01-02 18:13

Thank you so so much for all the effort Uncomfortable, you are just awesome!