Poll: Drawabox Weekly Challenge Theme 005
2017-12-26 17:54
It's Tuesday again, and this time I didn't forget! Here are your fresh new weekly theme ideas for the discord server design challenge. Vote on the ones you like most - and remember, you can vote for more than one. I'll post the results on Friday. http://www.strawpoll.me/14699682
There are a few runner ups from last week as always, but here are the new ones:
Merchant Kitty - Khajit has wears, if you have coin. Cats have been sitting on their cute little butts for too long - put them to work! Alternatively: cats performing any human job. No humanoids.
Leggy Beast - Create a bestiary page for an animal with an odd number of limbs. 1, 3, 5... Must derive at least 60% of its design from an existing animal.
Roast Beast - Design a new animal, then show us what it'll look like cooked and ready to eat! Remember your plating skills folks - presentation is everything!
Futuristic Workspace - Take your current workspace (where you do your work - which doesn't have to be drawing!) then throw it forward 50 years. What will it look like in the future?