Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Discord Weekly Design Challenge 004: Alien Red Light District or Fantasy Market Stall


2017-12-23 02:25


The results are in! This week's theme is.. a tie! So we're going to two this week, and both are environment design prompts.

Theme 1: Alien Red Light District. Picture the seediest corner of an alien world, and design it. Think about architecture, atmosphere, lighting. Humanoids are fine, but no humans. Doesn't have to be high-tech! Think about more than just the exposed skin - consider how they're going to be marketed (billboards, holograms, large displays, etc), what the clientele would look like, and even how well maintained it would all be.

Theme 2: Fantasy Market Stall. Choose a merchant you might find in a fantasy RPG, then design their stall. What are they selling? Fruits, weapons, armour, potions, exotic animals... hotdogs? How are they arranging their goods to catch the eyes of those passing by? Who are those potential customers? Is it a high-class market in a rich part of town, or is it just a homeless child selling scraps in the slums to make ends meet?

Examples: https://i.imgur.com/LurGKKD.jpg

Remember that everyone is welcome to participate regardless of skill level. You can check out a gallery of the submissions for previous themes here: https://imgur.com/a/nshD6 and can join the fun over on the discord server weekly-challenge channel here: https://discord.gg/hTPY5hb

It's not about impressing anyone - it's about getting used to identifying a problem (usually represented by a brief or theme) and solve it using your design. It's not a drawing exercise, but one in asking yourself questions about whatever it is you're trying to design.