Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Weekly Themed Challenges on Discord!


2017-12-01 22:12


For those of you who are interested, we're going to try and post a theme every week so you guys can loosen up and do some non-box related stuff for a change.

We'll be doing this on the #weekly-challenge channel.

This week's theme is "Fantasify Yourself," which I stole directly from a conceptart.org Character of the Week challenge I participated in back in 2011.

The idea is that you choose a fantasy race and class (think D&D, but you're not restricted to it) that fits your personality, and draw yourself as that character. When I participated in the challenge, I created this gnome alchemist.

Every week, I'm going to give my patrons 4 days to suggest ideas, then I'll post a poll for everyone to vote on for the following 3 days.


2017-12-02 00:14

I'm going to draw a blob of endless self doubt and insecurities


2017-12-02 00:18

Yeah but what class would that be?


2017-12-02 00:20

thief, you can seep through small spaces