Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

We never stop learning. Here's me struggling to do an elephant drawing demo for a student. It didn't go as planned.


2017-02-23 23:52



2017-02-24 00:17

"Deposit junk in trunk."

Thanks for the giggle.


2017-02-24 03:23



2017-02-24 03:49

Seriously. Their very existence, at least to an extent, undermines the very principles of solidity and construction, even though they're solid underneath the baggy folds of scrotum-like skin. And look at those legs! They're like goddamn tree trunks, with very little in the way of clear muscle forms. Giant, awkward bastards.


2017-02-24 05:22

Do you mind if I point out some additional critique? I know it is just a sketch :).


2017-02-24 15:19

Go for it!


2017-02-24 16:17

How can it be a mom if there is no kid?


2017-02-24 16:28

Elephants trunks go all the way to the ground when relaxed. That might be related to your head size mistake, but I also think the elephant is too tall/compact and its midsection is too small, just take a look at this reference. Also, the junk in the trunk doesn't really reflect how elephants are built. They have more saggy mom jeans behinds. Their hip joint is further back than you think.


2017-02-24 17:38

Thanks for the advice. Didn't realize that joint was quite so far back. Also, seeing that their bones reflect more 'normal' foot structure just makes me... angrier at the fact that they have those giant moronic pads for feet.


2017-02-24 17:40

Camels are similar. Digitigrades with giant food pads.


2017-02-24 05:33

Hahaha I love the notes. It's a big contrast to the generally formal tone of the Lessons. It's actually strangely relaxing.


2017-02-24 18:26
