Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Demo: How to draw a sky sausage (airplane)


2016-08-28 22:56



2016-08-29 02:53



2016-08-29 04:23

That's some interesting imagery there.


2016-08-29 08:48

I can't load the image. Maybe it's because I'm on mobile...


2016-08-29 12:59

The link didn't work for me inside of reddit is fun, but work on my native browser fwiw.


2016-08-29 16:04

Hm, that's rather peculiar. Even on mobile, you shouldn't have any trouble. Perhaps try clearing your cache? Also, if possible, could you send me a screenshot of what you're seeing?


2016-08-29 19:15

It loads fine in Chrome, but it's broken on Reddit is Fun. It's probably because of the design of your site. Reddit is Fun probably expects to draw just an image(the site ends with .jpg), but instead it needs to draw an entire webpage. Either way, having a webpage end with .jpg is bad design.

Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/NiO4MPa.jpg


2016-08-29 19:40

Ahhh, that makes a lot of sense. I'll look into fixing that in a couple weeks when I get back home. Thanks for the heads up.