Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Lesson 15: Exploring an Environment


2016-04-23 01:15



2016-04-23 01:16

The last thread for this lesson had been locked for like four months, but no one noticed til now. Well, here's a new thread for it!


2016-09-05 18:25


I found it difficult to judge scale,after doing the last one i figured i could have just used the other objects in the scene for measuring.

I didn't spend much time on the composition as i found drawing the enviroment itself quite challenging already >.<

edit: i had forgotten about your state of union post, is there still enough room for a critique if i pledge now? I was planning on doing it after finishing your course first.


2016-09-05 20:14

I do accept critiques from new pledges this month, but I'd actually already decided to critique yours regardless - consider it a freebie in honour of you reaching this lesson. Also it's not a particularly tough critique since you're doing a good job.

Your layouts and constructions show a strong grasp of the spaces you're building. I'm not necessarily looking for any kind of exact and precise sense of every little measurement of the scene, but rather a sort of continuity that embodies the idea that your mind is moving around the space. In a way this is the culmination of all of the stresses on construction and form.

I especially love your high angle shots - you're really quite good at those, and they give a great sense of the space and construction.

Now, if I had to suggest something, it'd be this - I'm not particularly concerned with your composition (bottom two shots are kind of stale, but whatever, it happens) but what I do think would be more valuable is for you to spend more time on the research phase, building up a table of reference images for whatever kind of environment you're building.The gas station was reasonably well done, but the first one doesn't totally feel entirely dressed. The forms and space you've established are solid, but it really goes a long way to add those touches of decor, of flavour, and so on to push it all the way. Right now I'm getting a churchy/temple vibe. Maybe a strange court room where the judge is an urn? It's kind of hard to tell. Each of these shots would be great jumping off points to go to town and further develop your narrative and do some great world building.

Anyway, keep up the great work and consider this lesson complete!