Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

It's always important to seek out multiple avenues of learning - so check out Joe Collins' DRAW.academy


2015-08-25 14:59



2015-08-25 15:04

I just came across this today.

From what I've seen, Joe's got a handful of video lectures (with pretty good production quality) and a small forum for interactive critique, on which he and Valentina, the other administrator, are quite active.

The principles behind the approach described there are similar to what I cover, but their methodology differs in several ways. I think it's important to expose yourself to several different ways of tackling the challenge of learning how to draw before settling on one that works best for you.

Just remember to give each method a fair shot by setting aside what you've learned previously and immersing yourself in the lessons. When you're finished and you've acquired a fuller understanding of what that particular instructor is trying to convey, you can pick up your prior knowledge once again and merge it with the knew stuff - keeping what you find valuable and tossing away the rest.

Oh, and if you decide to join their forum, don't forget to give them our regards!


2015-08-31 20:14

His website appears to be down ? I was just about to post an introduction thread on his forums. I loved the layout and his presentation! Hopefully it will be back up soon.


2015-08-31 20:18

Yeah, I noticed that as well. It was down at the end of last week, and then it loaded fine yesterday - and now it's down again today. I was thinking maybe it was a cache issue on this machine, but clearing my cache didn't work and since you're experiencing the same thing it must be down after all.


2015-08-25 20:45

Thanks, it looks like a great resource, will follow it as well.


2015-08-26 01:11

Awesome thanks for posting.


2015-08-28 10:14

Oh my goodness, I know what I'll be busy with this week! =D