Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Video: From Black and White to Colour


2015-07-13 03:13



2015-07-13 12:27
  1. Window -Arrange -> New Window for Untitled-1.

  2. View -> Proof Setup -> Custom.... (Device to Simulate: sGray)

Ctrl-Y to toggle the preview for proof setup on and off. You now have a second window to see your values while simultaneously working on your colour, updating in real time. working in B/W - > colour often leads to washed out colours, where the local colour is neglected in favor of ambient gradients.


2015-07-13 13:02

Thanks for the tip! Honestly, I generally hate working B/W to Colour, but since most of my lessons thus far have all been strictly black and white, I figured it wouldn't be fair to jump right into colour without any sort of step in between.

I'd heard about the sGray proof setup thing before, but never really wrapped my mind around how to use it effectively. Never considered opening it in a separate window.


2015-07-15 04:23

Being told to paint b&w gets tossed around so much that it was probably a good idea to cover it regardless. It's definitely a question I see get asked a lot when browsing. There's so many ways to go about it that I can see why.


2015-07-14 18:23

Thanks for the lesson!

It sounds like there's a lot to learn about Photoshop, looking forward to it :)

When you flipped the drawing to have a fresh perspective of it, it reminded me of this Chrome extension that I use to flip reference images:



2015-07-15 00:08

That's a great extension! I usually bring my reference into PureRef (where I can resize/flip/arrange them) but I never considered looking for a chrome extension to do that.


2015-07-15 23:50

Yes, it's great. I found it easier to arrange several Chrome windows, zooming in and flipping the images as needed. As normally I do a search on Google for images, it was faster to just use the browser.