Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Video: Uncomfortable Does RGD 01


2015-05-11 02:58



2015-05-11 22:55

Hi Uncomfortable! Nice video, thank you for sharing. :D

Is this painted on a single layer? Do you usually prefer to work with only a few layers or as many layers as needed?


2015-05-11 22:59

I paint as though I'm only painting on a single layer, but I do actually use multiple layers. I just usually end up painting on the top most, and whenever I want to experiment with something or separate something out, I'll just make a new layer and keep going.

When I started laying in the skin tone, I did end up creating a new layer underneath my lines and quickly blocked in her skin under there, but I don't usually do that, and I definitely didn't go in intending to do that. You can tell because of the fact that my sketch layer actually had some splotches of light blue (the background colour) where I'd painted lines out. For some reason I feel doing that is more fluid than using the eraser.

I paint as though I'm working on a single layer for that same reason. I feel like everything flows better. Thinking about what elements are on which layer becomes annoying and distracts me from the painting itself.


2015-05-11 23:59

Ah I see. Yes, after a while trying to micro-manage layers becomes a hassle. But I'm not confident enough yet with painting that I rarely combine layers. I hope to decrease this with experience. Thank you for the detailed response!


2015-05-13 21:57

That's very cool, Uncomfortable!

I'm considering trying a pen tablet -after I complete the course- but I'm not sure what model would be a good start. I've seen a couple of Wacom models, on varying prices. Can you recommend a model?


2015-05-13 23:36

Personally, I use the Intuos Pro Medium, which is the intermediate line of tablets. This may be out of your budget, so if you end up going with the Intuos Pen & Touch (not the Pro), I would recommend getting a Medium rather than the small. I have a small laying around at work somewhere. I tried using it for a day or two, but it was infuriatingly limiting, especially on the larger monitors we have these days.


2015-05-14 08:26

Thanks, it's the Pen & Touch Medium the one I feel more inclined to get. The Pros also look awesome, more pressure levels, resolution, inclination recognition, express keys etc.


2015-05-14 13:09

The Pros are definitely great tablets, but a lot of the features you listed aren't things you'll really be taking advantage of. Pressure levels become more significant as you get used to using your tablet. Admittedly, they will become more important down the line, so it isn't necessarily a bad idea to invest in one now - that is, as long as you're confident you'll push through the awkward learning curve that usually comes with tablets.

The only one that is of significance at this point are the express keys, and in my experience, the greater flexibility the Pro driver affords. The Intuos Pen & Touch also has express keys, but it's only got four, I think. Personally, I stopped using the express keys ages ago - I don't find them to be particularly ergonomic. Mapping your shortcuts to one side of your keyboard might be easier to use. I actually use a gaming keypad for all of my shortcuts.

Anyway, starting off with the Intuos Pen & Touch is probably your best bet right now, so you're probably on the right track.