Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Circle the Wagons!


2023-06-22 18:56


What type of perspective would apply to the following image I want to draw? The viewer (adult) is standing in the center of a circle of covered wagons looking out at the landscape in the distance. Four to five wagon of the circle are visible across the page. Does each wagon have it's own vanishing point(s)?


2023-06-22 19:09

As AutoModerator stated, this community is specifically focused on the lessons on drawabox.com, so the other communities they recommended will be better suited to answering this question.

That said, I can answer it for you. It's not each wagon that would have its own vanishing point - it's each set of parallel edges in 3D space that would have their own vanishing point. So if each wagon were just a simple box, each box would have 3 sets of parallel edges, each set having its own vanishing point. But as you build up more structural detail on those wagons, you might end up adding more sets of edges, and thus introducing its own vanishing point.

Here are 3 videos from the first lesson of the Drawabox course that explains this concept:


2023-06-22 21:53

Thanks for your advice! I'll check out the links.