Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Constructing Animal Feet Attempt


2023-06-15 17:22


I was asked to construct animal feet (paws/hoofs) in this way:


I'm attempting to practice this, but I'm failing pretty badly:


any tips or suggestions that others use to do this?


2023-06-15 18:10

I just started Drawabox, and if you could see my Ghosting lines homework, you'd feel a lot better about these animal feet lol


2023-06-15 18:47

Well your never good at something when you first start.


2023-06-15 19:17



2023-06-15 20:13

I think the underlying source of your struggles come down to the boxes themselves lacking solidity. Their convergences are not consistent, there are gaps in the corners where there should be none, and so forth. This inhibits our brains from interpreting them as solid boxes, and so when we try to draw further forms on top of them, we aren't able to attach them in a manner that behaves realistically in 3D space.

Keep in mind that the exercises we encounter throughout the course's lessons and challenges do continue to be a part of our regular warmup routine, as explained here in Lesson 0. Particularly in this case, it's important that you continue practicing the freely rotated boxes from the box challenge, along with the line extensions that help us assess and improve upon them over time.


2023-06-19 16:25

okay thanks I'll be sure to stress that exercise more in my practices.