Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Perspective drawing activities to help learn?


2023-06-15 15:28


I want to improve skills in environment painting/drawing, but struggling with perspective. I have tried watching tutorials on it, and they help to some extent, but I really need some kind of activities to do, while implementing what I learn from a tutorial... Does that make sense?

I don't learn well by just listening, and although I have been drawing along with tutorials, I feel with perspective I need some kind of activity or tasks to do, that involves using my brain to learn myself to use perspective. Problem solving helps me learn. For example, a task telling me to draw a certain kind of environment or a highstreet with a certain level of perspective, and to include certain things.

Does anyone know of a tutorial series or a course (hopefully cheap), or a book even, that has something like this?

It can be basic ones, but I would really like some more advanced ones as well.

Thank you :)


2023-06-15 19:27

While AutoModerator has explained that you may want to ask this question in a different community, I did want to mention that the course this subreddit focuses on (drawabox.com) is potentially what you're looking for. As explained in this introductory video, it's a free, structured, exercise-based course that focuses primarily on developing strong spatial reasoning skills. That's essentially perspective, but unlike the very technical linear perspective, it focuses more on the intuitive use of perspective to capture the impression that the two dimensional marks drawn on a flat page represent something three dimensional.


2023-06-16 09:32

Thank you, I appreciate your reply and for telling me about it, I will try it out! :)