Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Question: Why are the videos done in digital medium?


2023-05-23 04:25


Mi intention is not to complain but to ask, cause I am actually very grateful by the quality of this course and I am following it and progressing the best I can.

Something that I do not understand is that the lessons are being taught by using a digital tablet, when one of the main rules of this course is to use paper and ink. I personally would like to have videos where the author uses the same medium as us so I can feel more connected to the explanations.

I have noticed that Uncomfortable uses Ctrl-Z in some traces and that bugs me a little cause it goes against the purpose of the assignments. He has stated that it is an issue of habit, and that is why I would like to see him using ink and paper and see his process of dealing with wrong traces or small mistakes. I guess the explanation of the theory and assignments could be done in any type of media, and maybe he is doing it in digital to avoid his hand to cover the sheet all the time, but still, I would not mind those issues if it lets me see the content in the way I am supposed to do it. He has linked some users on Youtube who have recorded their exercises, but they are students like me, trying to understand the exercises, so it is not the same as looking at the "teacher's demonstration".

I understand that Uncomfortable is doing this for free and that using digital media saves him some time, but I wonder if there is more to it, cause doing the same exercise on paper would take him a similar amount of time anyway. I hope my post does not come as negative, since I know Uncomfortable has delivered rational justifications for the way his course is structured. Thanks.


2023-05-23 12:46

It's as you stated towards the end. It is vastly more efficient for me to demonstrate the exercises digitally, and would require not only a lot more time but also more expensive hardware I did not already have previously. Given that as you noted the videos are freely available, our resources were extremely limited during the years in which those demos were produced.

We are now working through updating the video demo content, which includes more traditional drawing, but it's only recently that it has been a possibility. That said, there's no additional information being conveyed by doing the demos traditionally - it's really just a superficial change to make the course feel more professional.


2023-05-25 03:41

Thanks for your response, and I completely understand. I will be on the lookout for the new content. Thanks again for putting out such a quality resource for us who cannot afford other type of education. Cheers\~\~