Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Take a picture and get an animation to master perspective!


2023-05-19 18:07


TLDR: I made an app that converts a picture of a grid of images into an animation in order to help me find flaws in my perspective. I'm wondering if it could help others? And would love to make demos that anyone else submits to me using this grid!

I am a firm believer in the gospel of rotating boxes! If you master form and perspective your 2D images will pop out of the page and that's the magic of good art. That's why I do a ton of exercises of rotating objects. I realized a few days ago that I have pages of drawn items rotated on my desk and started wondering if I could make something to cut out the grid and make an animation automagically! Well I did, and this is the result!

I posted on the drawabox discord and a few people were saying that it would definitely be helpful so that's one reason I posted here. Do you guys think it would be helpful to people here?

Secondly I also attached the grid I used to make my demo animation. I want to see how my app would work on your rotated objects! Download and print this image and send me your drawings. The order of animation is right to left, top to bottom, like a book. I would love to see what people could make!


2023-05-19 20:19

The app certainly looks interesting, and I see you've been discussing it on #art-technology on the discord. The discord is however the more appropriate place for that discussion however. Its relevance to the course itself is more tangential, and posts here should generally be a specific question relating to the course, or a complete submission of homework, just to ensure those trying to get eyes on their work aren't pushed further down, reducing their chances of getting feedback.


2023-05-19 23:34

Ahh okay that makes sense. Do you have any feedback on this idea? I assume you'd approve of anything that reinforces the form and perspective of your drawing but I feel like I should ask. What do you think of it?


2023-05-19 23:51

Unfortunately you've caught me at a bad time - I'm rushing around preparing travel arrangements to attend a funeral, so I can't really go into much detail. I think the tool is interesting, although I believe its value appears to be strongest as a tool to quickly take hand drawn frames and turn them into an animation.

I can see the value in it helping us to assess how well we're estimating the rotations of the form, of course, but I think that there are many ways in which one can structure a larger strategy for learning, that you pick the tools and exercises that fit together best.

Drawabox's approach focuses on things like line extensions to more directly identify the specific ways in which the line convergences are off, so the approach for the next page can be adjusted, and the process repeated. It relies on more specific, actionable information.

While a tool may itself be interesting and useful, and while it may make sense to pair it with certain learning strategies, the intent and design of the course overall still must be considered when assessing the fit.