Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Unrelated question. (Still would like anyone to read it)


2023-05-12 20:26


So uhh.. Sorry for the stupid question but. Back when I was on drawabox, there was an ad that had only one text in it "get eaten alive by lions" it was a sort of 'Interactive fiction' game with RPG elements to it. so my question is.. Do you know the game's name? I really liked it and just now got back into the genre. I looked everywhere but couldn't find it. It also was my first IF game so it's kind of sentimental. :-)


2023-05-12 20:49

I do remember the ad you're describing, although I had never looked too closely at it. I tried digging through the advertising history for that ad slot, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find any further information. The ad slot was managed through Comic Ad Network, and a lot of the people who advertise there also use it to place ads on their own websites. I'd hoped I'd be able to look at the accounts that previously placed bids on the slot to get a link to their websites, but not all of them had that information visible.

You might have luck looking at some of the websites that use Comic Ad Network (you can browse through the listings on that website) but at that point it'll really just be a matter of hoping that they're advertising with someone else on there, and that you happen to stumble upon it.


2023-05-13 10:23

Thanks for your cooperation, very cool! I actually found it in the most stupid way possible, All I had to do was search on google "text based rpg game online with lions" and goddamn it.. it popped up. It's called "Improbable Island" It's some goofy game. Again sorry for the inconvenience.


2023-05-13 18:02

I'm glad you were able to find it!