Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Is this kind of box okay to draw for the 250 challenge?


2023-05-04 18:19


My concern is that the foreshortening here is too shallow. I can't really tell if these lines would converge, but otherwise the box looks correct to my untrained eye. (Please ignore the heavy outlines on the box, that's its own issue.) Should the rest of my boxes have more foreshortening than this, or am I overreacting?



2023-05-04 23:10

Your concern is correct - this would be incorrect. It's not that you've made the foreshortening "too shallow" - shallow foreshortening still requires by definition some convergence. When we eliminate convergences altogether, we're forcing that vanishing point to infinity - something that only occurs when the set of edges in question runs perpendicular to the angle at which the viewer is looking. This is explained in the reminders section of the challenge, specifically the first point.


2023-05-04 23:47

In addition to the advice you just got, I recommend using the Y generator for your first couple sets of boxes, it will force you into generally proper vanishing point selection. You can find it here