Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

I am only interested in drawing animals, will lesson 6 and 7 improve my ability to?


2023-03-21 23:00


I have been hesitant to dive into lesson 6 and 7 because I only care about drawing animals. If what I practice in lesson 6 and 7 will improve my ability to draw overall, then I will begin them.


2023-03-21 23:52

The thing to keep in mind about drawabox is that it's not about drawing plants, insects, animals, or vehicles. Each of these are a lens through which we explore the same thing, over and over: 3D space, and how the things we draw represent forms and structures that exist within it.

Each exercise is a puzzle we force our brains to solve, and in so doing we gradually rewire how we perceive the things we draw, and how they exist not as flat shapes on the page, but as forms in three dimensions.

Lessons 6 and 7 accomplish the same, by introducing us to different kinds of spatial problems. It's a new lens, but it trains the same skills, attacking the same problems from a different angle - and in so doing, helping us move beyond the plateaus we reach by looking only at the same things.


2023-03-22 02:54

Thank you so much for the response Uncomfortable! And thank you for making drawabox, it has helped with my mental health immensely.


2023-03-22 03:07

I'm glad to hear that!


2023-03-22 13:17

Are you the creator? Not related to the thread but I just want to give you some praise. I've bought and tried several books and several youtubers, but nothing compares to how much I resonated with how you view the drawing/learning process.

It's easy to realize my errors and I feel called out when you lift some things related to the path of least resistance, which for me is very helpful in gaining insight.

Words can't express my gratitude! I've recommended it to all my close friends that are looking for a new hobby


2023-03-22 14:41

Thank you for the kind words!


2023-03-22 13:12

You are human. You do not even need a course, but they are fun to try. Your eyes were made to recognize shape, composition, light and shadow, and everything else these courses make you think require hard work and natural talent to improve, when your instincts are everything you need. Ask me anything if you want to. I am busy.


2023-03-22 17:26

Drawing anything helps you draw anything else if you're doing so mindfully. Do whatever you want, no one is going to score you or judge you for taking one path or the other.