Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

How to get back into the flow of the 250 box challenge after a longer break?


2023-03-18 22:47


I started the 250 box challenge in I think mid-to-late January? And was chugging along at a pretty consistent rate until I got into a car accident in mid-February. I got whiplash from the accident and had to take a month break from the boxes because using the ruler was making my neck hurt.

My whiplash has gotten better and Im starting to do the boxes again, but my boxes look noticeably worse at this later point compared to how they looked in the middle. Im at box 210 now and when I got into the accident I was at 190. I know the point isnt to make all perfect boxes but rather to develop your reflective understanding, but its still frustrating to feel like my progress receded.

So I guess Im wondering, if you took longer with this challenge or took long breaks during it, how did you get your reorient yourself and get your glow back?Im intent on finishing this and continuing with Draw-a-box but I feel like I have to rebuild my connection to the process.


2023-03-19 00:15

It really is best to just continue where you left off. You may feel you regressed, but as long as you review the lesson material, and especially these reminders, you'll still be completed the assignment as intended. Then if you need to do any more, that'll be a decision someone else will make when you get feedback.


2023-03-22 03:52

I appreciate you responding! Ill look over/watch the lesson material again. I had also forgotten that whoever reviews my work could tell me to do more.


2023-03-19 13:00

Just start back where you were. But start slow. Dont try to do too much in any one sitting until youre sure your body can handle it. You dont want your brain to associate drawing with pain. And dont judge yourself too much. Not only did you take a break, you had an injury. I was a gymnast in my younger days and even a small injury and a few days out of the gym could throw me off for awhile while I retaught my muscles what to do. Youve got this though. And glad to hear youre feeling well enough to get back to your drawing again!


2023-03-22 03:54

The point about not having my brain associate drawing with pain is an important reminder. Ive been dealing with carpal tunnel and tennis elbow from work and life stuff recently and i have to be better at making myself go slow and take more breaks with my hobbies.


2023-03-19 20:55

I'm starting all the way over from the beginning, I think it's great for muscle memory and firing/wiring together the neurons for fine motor control

Everything good take time, happy drawing!