Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Bladeless pencil sharpener?


2023-03-18 22:31


So, long story short, I'm about to go back into inpatient treatment for an eating disorder after relapsing. When I was there the first time, there was not much to do in between therapy sessions other than draw/color and play board and card games with other patients. We had supplies such as colored pencils, but no sharpeners for them. The reason for that was a concern that a s u i c i d a l /self harming patient could take the blade out of one and cut themselves with it. As a result, sharpeners are banned from inpatient and residential levels of treatment, even for patients who have no history of s u i c i d a l ideations or self harming.

Obviously, however, an unsharpened pencil (which is what I prefer to use) is useless. So, are there any bladeless sharpeners available?

Okay, attempt #4 at asking this question, since r/drawing keeps insta-blocking it.


2023-03-19 00:12

Ask over in /r/ArtistLounge and /r/learnart. I think /r/drawing might just be for sharing work, and this subreddit is narrowly targeted as well (as AutoModerator explained).

If you're not able to find a bladeless option, one thing I might recommend is a brush pen. While ink can be pretty scary to work with, it can be really freeing to work with, and brush pens lean into a lot of little accidents that allow you to explore your doodles further. This video shows that kind of doodling, in case you're interested.

Best of luck on your treatment.