Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Feeling a bit Sad (Little Rant)


2023-03-16 05:51


Ive completed Lesson 1 of DrawABox and Im currently doing the 250 Boxes.

The thing thats bothering me is that Im putting time and effort into this but no one notices, my family and friends arent supportive of my art and I dont want to feel this way but I want someone that cheers me on. Have anyone ever felt like this? How did you deal with it


2023-03-16 16:42

This is definitely something we hear about often. I'd recommend that you share your feelings about this over on our discord chat server, where we have a channel called #art-frustrations. As this subreddit's focus is much more specific on homework submissions and questions relating to the lesson material, it's not a suitable place for it, but this is definitely the sort of venting/sharing that channel is intended for.

/r/ArtistLounge would also probably be a good place for this kind of post.


2023-03-16 23:46

Thank you, Im sorry I forgot about it