Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

my friend dosen't see the importance of learning the fundamentals


2023-03-11 01:53


my friend who recently started drawing and he asked me for advice after i sent him the link to drawabox and he keeps saying stuff like "why should i learn anatomy" "why should i learn fundamentals if i just want to draw anime" he copies anime screencaps and the entirely of his goals is to be able to draw in an anime style without copying how should i respond?


2023-03-11 17:09

This is probably a question better suited for /r/artistlounge, although this video on "What are the fundamentals and why do I need to learn them" from Lesson 0 seems pretty well matched to your question. Maybe share it with them.

Just remember that not everyone is at a stage where they're ready and willing to go study the boring basics. It took me ten years from when I started drawing regularly to get to that point myself. It can simply be a matter of them not being ready for that just yet.