Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Lesson 2 and 250 box challenge


2023-02-26 18:32


Hello all, i recently just completed lesson 1 and i am now moving on to the 250 box challenge (on the official critique track). i just wanted to know if it would be an okay idea to do the 250 box challenge and lesson 2 simultaneously ? (for example, i do the recommended 6 boxes a day and after do a little bit of lesson 2).


2023-02-26 22:37

As the 250 box challenge is a prerequisite for Lesson 2, you should be completing that first. Outside of official critique that's really left up to the student, but for official critique it's a hard requirement. If you have additional time after a page or two of boxes, make sure you're keeping up with the 50% rule as well.