Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

my First comission, is this a scam??


2023-02-22 09:31



2023-02-22 19:49

While automod did explain why this isn't the subreddit for this particular question, I did want to weigh in and say that while I don't know for sure, the eagerness to pay up-front does smell pretty fishy.

I do know of a type of commission scam where the person will insist on paying everything up-front, but they'll pay with something like a cheque, and they'll "accidentally" make it for like 10x more than the agreed upon amount.

You'll get the cheque, they'll say "oh drat I made a mistake, can you send me the difference?" And once you do, you find out that their original cheque bounced, leaving you not only without the agreed upon payment, but also having lost the money you sent back to them.

In this case, the fact that they want to do it through Paypal is a small reassurance, given that if they made a mistake, you'd just be able to refund the original payment and not end up spending any of your own money. But that said, I'm not entirely familiar with how paypal works in such situations (I use it plenty, but don't generally have to issue refunds).

Going back to the original red flag - their eagerness to pay you fully up-front is a pretty big one, and that along would make me very wary of working with them. It doesn't guarantee that they're scamming you, but it does certainly make it seem that way.