Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Is it better to do it at a flat desk or an angle?


2023-02-16 17:29


I have access to both and am wondering if its better to stick to one?

Also would it be the same for the all exercises and the 50% rule.

And if it was an angle what ideal height would be to my eyes and shoulder.

Sorry maybe Im overthinking this just want to make sure its perfect!


2023-02-16 19:03

At the end of this video (the link is timestamped) from Lesson 0, I go into detail about how you should be sitting at your desk, angled desks vs. flat desks, etc.


2023-02-17 04:27

My preference is an angle, like an easel almost straight up. I draw fairly big so I want to be able to square myself with whatever I'm working on. For smaller things I use a tabletop easel that holds up to 18x24in.

It doesn't have to be "perfect" -- I'm usually moving my art all around and sticking it on walls just to see my progress lol. Use your phone and kind of line up the camera to where the piece looks relatively square on the screen; that's kind of where you'd ideally want your eye.


2023-02-17 07:58

I've had both, and appreciated both. The best question to ask is which do YOU like?


2023-02-17 11:32

Drawing at an angle is better for your back in the long run and also your wrist as drawing flat tends to make you draw from the wrist more than your shoulder.


2023-02-17 13:24

Angled desks get a better view or perspective compared to a flat desk. Thats what made me go angled.