Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals



2023-02-01 16:34


I completed drawabox a couple of years ago and found it really useful.

However, my proportions could really use a lot of work, I was wondering if anyone has encountered a section on this in the course, alternatively if you could point me towards a resource or advice on how to improve this I would be very grateful!

This is mainly my issue in figure drawing \~ I generally do a quick gesture to underpin any construction so think this is what is causing the issues, being the foundations of my drawing.

Thank you.


2023-02-01 18:29

As Drawabox does everything it can to focus on a very limited set of concepts, it does not tackle much in regards to proportion, as many of the tricks involved in judging proportions better have us thinking in 2D space. Instead of mixing that up and potentially diluting the heavy focus on thinking in 3D, we instead leave it as one of those things students will focus on elsewhere.

Now, that does mean that for this topic, you're gonna want to ask in a different community in order to get a wider range of suggestions. I'd recommend asking over in /r/artistlounge or /r/learnart.