Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

New at the community


2023-01-25 01:04


Hi everyone. Im new in Reddit and i created a account in order to find a community to help me improve my drawing skills. I returned to draw since November of the past year and im looking for learn how to draw for imagination. Im already doing the drawabox lessons and i really want to get some know-how about how to study to improve the fundamentals. Any suggestions about materials, exercises and aprauchs would ne awesomely welcome to me.

Sorry my bad English. Im not from a native speaker country.

Tnks the attention. I hope i can evolve with your help.


2023-01-25 01:40

While AutoModerator did say their bit, since this post is more in the grey area, I wanted to weigh in myself. I think you'll get a more varied set of answers from either /r/artistlounge or /r/learnart, since those communities are not specifically focused on Drawabox. Since you're looking for other helpful material, I recommend asking over there, so the answers you get aren't just coming from people who mainly focus on Drawabox.