Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Is it ok to listen to music while doing your free-drawing part of the 50% rule?


2023-01-19 15:33



2023-01-19 15:34

Yes, that's fine. You can even watch TV, youtube videos, movies, etc. if you like - as long as you don't find yourself spending most of your time listening/watching rather than drawing. The goal here is not necessarily to be putting your 100% into the drawing, but rather to just relax and let yourself draw without worry.


2023-01-19 16:06

Great question! I always feel like music or tv would pull my attention away from focusing on using my shoulder.


2023-01-19 17:00

I don't think drawing from the shoulder is necessarily a requirement of free drawing either (but I get why you'd want to do it anyway)


2023-01-19 17:34

Teaches you to multitask, I cant ever see that as a bad thing, art accompanied by art


2023-01-20 09:05

Hell no (yes of course)


2023-01-22 07:14

as long as you can focus properly idk why not