Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Would critiquers mind if I did my exercises on an ipad? (i.e. digitally)?


2023-01-02 12:14


Yeah, I don't have access to the writing utensils they recommend and I want to draw digitally for the most part anyway.


2023-01-02 18:13

The lessons are meant to be done with ink. If you don't, you won't be able to receive critique. Lesson 0 - Why ink?


2023-01-03 23:15

Just to be clear, ink is required for the paid official critique track. While highly recommend in general, it is not strictly required when posting for free community feedback, though since that relies on having others choose to give you feedback and has no guarantee of receiving it, going against such a major recommendation may hurt one's chances of getting critiqued by their fellow community members.

So "you won't be able to receive critique" is not entirely accurate. It's still possible, just far less likely.


2023-01-02 21:34

If you can afford an iPad I am sure you can afford an ultrafine sharpie and some paper.

The course is only meant to be done on paper.


2023-01-02 21:52

Not really. The iPad was for course notes and my parents don't think I'm 'into' art enough to get sharpies


2023-01-02 22:13

Yep if you can't do it on paper than do it on your tablet. It's better to do it "wrong" than not at all


2023-01-03 00:07

Printer paper, bic pens. A pack of pens costs 1-2$, most people have printer paper already if they have a printer at home. Just because certain things are recommended does not mean thats all you can use.

I really dont recommend starting out digital though. Its way too easy to undo and adjust things. Its also harder to get the feel of a line, stopping/starting, and knowing where you went wrong and what you did right. Learning in traditional mediums will give you a better foundation and understanding of the lessons. Once you know those, its actually not that hard to switch over to digital.