Uncomfortable's Advice from /r/ArtFundamentals

Winter Promptathon Day 7: The Cursed Circus


2023-01-01 13:45



2023-01-01 13:46

For those unsure of what a Promptathon is, it's an event we try to hold at the turning of each season, where we drop a new drawing prompt each day for 7 days. Students are encouraged to submit something for each day, and are awarded with unique avatars, achievements, and double critique credits on the drawabox website.

More info here.


2023-01-01 17:02

Off-topic, but the proportions on the legs of that figure really embody "cursed circus".


2023-01-01 22:03

Thanks for putting these together! They've been really fun.


2023-01-02 04:36

I'm glad to hear that you've had a good time with the prompts!