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Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
Boxes: Homework
Homework and exercises
Every Drawabox lesson consists of lecture content and exercises that are assigned as homework. It's best to complete this homework before moving onto the next section. As this lesson consists of three sections (lines, ellipses, boxes), it is best that you only submit your work for review when you've completed all three.
The homework assignment for this section is as follows:
1 filled page of the Plotted Perspective exercise. One page should contain three frames as shown in the exercise example.
2 filled pages of the Rough Perspective exercise. Each page should contain three frames as shown in the exercise example.
1 filled page of the Rotated Boxes exercise
2 filled pages of the Organic Perspective exercise
All the assigned work for this section should be done in ink, using fineliners/felt tip pens as described here. In a pinch, I will accept work done in ballpoint, but only if the situation is dire. This is an exception only for this lesson as students get started.

How to Draw by Scott Robertson
When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.