Drawabox.com | Drawing Prompts | Goblin Beach Day
This is where the message goes!

Having trouble coming up with something to draw? No worries - while you'll eventually learn how to start from a tiny seed of a thought and gradually nurture it into a complex concept to explore through design and illustration, it's perfectly fine not to be there just yet.

For now though, here's an idea that might interest you.

Goblin Beach Day

It's been a hard spring, harassing the farmers as they've plowed and seeded their fields, and picking off the newborns of their livestock. We plant our own seeds, of a sort - seeds of chaos that flower in the fall, as the humans succumb to panic and fear of a harsh winter.

But today is the first day of summer - and so, we celebrate! It's Goblin Beach Day! And the beach is not just about swimming. It's a day for games, a day for good roasted foods, a day for fishing, and a day for enjoying the sizzle of one's flesh under the heat of the sun.

Pick some aspect of the Goblin Beach Day celebration, and design it. Sure, you can go with goblin swimwear if you're looking to explore some character work, but there's much more than that. Design a goblin beach sport, or an impromptu grilling setup. Design an improvised parasail, or even some scuba-gear. Just remember - things that goblins make are usually makeshift and haphazard. So no name-brand goods!

This one isn't doing it for you? How about this one instead: Lost in the Multiverse >>>
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Wescott Grid Ruler

Wescott Grid Ruler

Every now and then I'll get someone asking me about which ruler I use in my videos. It's this Wescott grid ruler that I picked up ages ago. While having a transparent grid is useful for figuring out spacing and perpendicularity, it ultimately not something that you can't achieve with any old ruler (or a piece of paper you've folded into a hard edge). Might require a little more attention, a little more focus, but you don't need a fancy tool for this.

But hey, if you want one, who am I to stop you?

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