Drawabox.com | Drawing Prompts | Bathroom Spacecraft
This is where the message goes!

Having trouble coming up with something to draw? No worries - while you'll eventually learn how to start from a tiny seed of a thought and gradually nurture it into a complex concept to explore through design and illustration, it's perfectly fine not to be there just yet.

For now though, here's an idea that might interest you.

Bathroom Spacecraft

You're sitting in the tub. The water's perfect, but you're soooo bored. So, you start spying the things around you, and like a good little designer, your gears start turning.

Take something you'll find in a bathroom, and turn it into a spacecraft of some sort. Pay attention to the shapes and forms present there, and the proportions of them. Think about how you can push and pull, stretch and squash, and repeat them as needed to bring life to your design.

Sometimes the best designs come from the kinds of objects that don't look like your desired end result at all - so don't feel like you have to find something that already looks like a space ship. The fun and creativity comes from how you get from here to there.

This one isn't doing it for you? How about this one instead: The Moon Really Was Cheese! >>>
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Staedtler Pigment Liners

Staedtler Pigment Liners

These are what I use when doing these exercises. They usually run somewhere in the middle of the price/quality range, and are often sold in sets of different line weights - remember that for the Drawabox lessons, we only really use the 0.5s, so try and find sets that sell only one size.

Alternatively, if at all possible, going to an art supply store and buying the pens in person is often better because they'll generally sell them individually and allow you to test them out before you buy (to weed out any duds).

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