Drawabox.com | Drawing Prompts | Ice Witch's Frozen Construct
This is where the message goes!

Having trouble coming up with something to draw? No worries - while you'll eventually learn how to start from a tiny seed of a thought and gradually nurture it into a complex concept to explore through design and illustration, it's perfectly fine not to be there just yet.

For now though, here's an idea that might interest you.

Ice Witch's Frozen Construct

Deep in the frozen north, there lives a witch, secluding herself from society. Some say she's an old woman from the more magical times, long since passed. Others claim she's a young woman who simply wishes to be left alone. Rumours abound, but across them all one thing appears to be consistent: young or old, she appears to be able to create life from her frozen surroundings.

Does she create frozen elementals to serve as sentry to guard her land from intruders, miscreants, and well-wishers? Does she simply not wish to bother going outside to adjust her satellite dish - it is cold after all! Or does she conjure friends for herself, companions who would know better than to pry or annoy?

Design an ice or snow based creature, based around the role they'd play in serving the Ice Witch in her daily life. Or alternatively, design the Ice Witch herself!

Example illustration by madabau.

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The Science of Deciding What You Should Draw

The Science of Deciding What You Should Draw

Right from when students hit the 50% rule early on in Lesson 0, they ask the same question - "What am I supposed to draw?"

It's not magic. We're made to think that when someone just whips off interesting things to draw, that they're gifted in a way that we are not. The problem isn't that we don't have ideas - it's that the ideas we have are so vague, they feel like nothing at all. In this course, we're going to look at how we can explore, pursue, and develop those fuzzy notions into something more concrete.

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