Drawabox.com | Drawing Prompts | Bottle it Up!
This is where the message goes!

Having trouble coming up with something to draw? No worries - while you'll eventually learn how to start from a tiny seed of a thought and gradually nurture it into a complex concept to explore through design and illustration, it's perfectly fine not to be there just yet.

For now though, here's an idea that might interest you.

Bottle it Up!

After chasing down false leads and turning up more dead ends than you'd like to admit, you've finally done it. Your persistence has paid off, and you have discovered the fabled elixir of life! But such a thing is not to be wasted - you'll have to store it for long term use.

But this begs a simple question - what container is worthy of such a legendary potion? Design a bottle, vial, or whatever else you think would be fitting to hold that which promises to give everlasting life!

This one isn't doing it for you? How about this one instead: Willy Wonka's Change of Industry >>>
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Wescott Grid Ruler

Wescott Grid Ruler

Every now and then I'll get someone asking me about which ruler I use in my videos. It's this Wescott grid ruler that I picked up ages ago. While having a transparent grid is useful for figuring out spacing and perpendicularity, it ultimately not something that you can't achieve with any old ruler (or a piece of paper you've folded into a hard edge). Might require a little more attention, a little more focus, but you don't need a fancy tool for this.

But hey, if you want one, who am I to stop you?

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