Overall, very very nicely done! To start, your form intersections are definitely showing a very strong understanding of how these forms relate to one another in 3D space, with solid, accurate intersections between them. There is definitely a tendency in some places to end up with slightly hesitant marks when adding line weight, but it's not always present - so perhaps it's just something to remain aware of. Always push yourself to execute those line weight marks with confidence, as you would with any other stroke - even if that means accepting the possibility of slipping up.

Moving onto your object constructions, these are by and large all well done, but I do have some comments on a few of them.

Starting with the salt shaker, this was definitely taken in the right direction, but the main change I'd make is instead of starting with a bigger box and then jumping straight into your more curved, streamlined, smooth object, I'd have constructed a boxy version of the salt shaker first. I might have done this inside of its own enclosing box, but being boxy, I could have just built it free-standing. Once the boxy structure was laid out, it's just a matter of rounding out your corners and calling it a day.

Jumping down to the bluetooth speaker, there are two elements you missed. The first and most important is the actual thickness of the black shell piece, when seen from the front. In the photo, it's clearly got some thickness to it, but in your drawing, it was limited to a paper-thin line. You also missed the white part inside of it, but I'm less concerned about that, since it was entirely neglected. The black part is more important because it is present, but not captured entirely accurately.

There definitely are cases where some of your constructions are off proportion - for example, the radio, the thermostat, etc. but I'm honestly not too worried about those. In lesson 7, we'll explore a technique that'll allow us to create a "unit" box in 3D space, then use that box to build out a grid to a specific scale, allowing us to capture specific proportions fairly easily - as long as our orthographic analyses are accurate.

It definitely stands out that as we get further into the homework, your willingness to delve into greater complexity, pushing subdivisions further and generally cutting down into further granularity, which is great to see. It shows increasing overall patience, and your results certainly continue to develop for it. At the end there, your construction of the lantern was especially well laid out, with the execution of that second to last step being particularly impressive with the considerable precision of your constructional linework (and those ellipses were especially well done).

So! All in all, your work throughout this lesson is well done, and you've shown growth over its course. I will happily go ahead and mark this lesson as complete.