Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes
7:37 PM, Thursday August 31st 2023
Hey, sorry for that one page done with ball point pen.
Hello and congrats on completing lesson one. My name is Rob and I'm a teaching assistant for Drawabox who will be handling your lesson one critique. Starting with your superimposed lines these are off to a fine start. You are keeping a clearly defined starting point with all of your wavering at the opposite end. Your ghosted lines and planes turned out well. You are using the ghosting method to good effect to get confident linework with a pretty decent deal of accuracy that will get better and better with practice.
Your tables of ellipses are coming along pretty good but I'm seeing a pretty major issue with all of your ellipse exercises. You aren't drawing through your ellipses. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/16/drawingthrough I'm seeing you draw through an extra half time at most when you are supposed to be drawing through every ellipse 2 - 3 times. So this is just a reminder that you need to draw through EVERY single ellipse you draw for all of these lessons. Even if you think you got it right the first time. You are doing a good job focusing on consistent smooth ellipse shapes. This is carried over nicely into your ellipses in planes. It's great that you aren't overly concerned with accuracy and are instead focused on getting smooth ellipse shapes. Although accuracy is our end goal it can't really be forced and tends to come with mileage and consistent practice more than anything else. Some of your ellipses in funnels are having some slight issues with tilting off the minor axis. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/18/notaligned This is something you should always start considering when drawing your ellipses. One thing you could have done with these is start with a narrower degree ellipse in the center and then widen the degrees of the ellipses as they move outwards in the funnel. Please check the example here. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/18/step3 This helps with practicing different degrees of ellipses. Since you didn't really draw through most of your ellipses for these exercises and I'd like you to be more into the habit of doing so before moving on I'd like you to do one more page of the ellipses in funnels as a revision.
The plotted perspective looks fine for the most part although you scribbled in some of the hatching which you should never do for any of these exercise. Hatching is optional and if you want to add it you need to treat it the same as any other line you would draw. You shouldn't be mindlessly scribbling in lines for any of these exercises. Your rough perspective exercises have a few issues I'd like to discuess. It's great that you are keeping up with the confident linework on these. That being said I have some notes regarding added line weight I'd like to share. If you want to add line weight make sure you don't revert back to using your wrist and are drawing from your shoulder with confidence. Also added line weight should be subtle so try and only go over a line one additional time instead of multiple times. You also rounded some of the boxes and added a triangle and we please ask that you stick to the instructions for these exercises. You are free to experiment however you want but for assignments being submitted for critique it's better to follow the instruction fairly exactly. The other major issue is that you didn't extend you depth line correctly on your boxes to check your work. I can see you extended some of your corners to the vanishing point but you were suppsoed to be extending your depth lines to the horizon line to check your work. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/20/step6 These are not plotted back the VP. So as a revision I'd like you to do just that for both pages. Extend your depth lines back to the horizon.
Your rotated box exercise turned out pretty well. I like that you drew this nice and big as that really helps when dealing with complex spatial problems. You also did a good job drawing through your boxes and keeping your gaps narrow and consistent. While the rotations here aren't perfect this was a good effort overall. The more you draw and develop your spatial thinking ability the easier these rotations are to handle. This is a great exercise to come back to after a few lessons to see how much your spatial thinking ability has improved. Your organic perspective exercises are having another issue which might be happening with the rotated box exercise although I'm not as sure with that one. It appears as though you sketch this first in pencil and then went over it in fineliner afters which is absolutely not allowed for any of these submissions and I'm actually going to have to ask you do these both of these organic perspective pages again. Please refer to the why ink section for a full explantion. https://drawabox.com/article/ink Also for you revision please do not add spheres and pyramids to these pages and just stick boxes like the assignment asks.
You're developing a good understanding of confident linework, ellipses, and boxes but the bigger issue I noticed with this submission is that you aren't fully following directions and you are also caring a bit too much about how the final result looks. It's important to realize that these are all exercises designed to teach you draftsmenship and spatial thinking. They aren't mean to be finished drawings that you show off. Once you get those revision submitted and I take a look you can most likely move on to the 250 box challenge.
Next Steps:
One page of the ellipses in funnels - Make sure you draw through all of your ellipses
Both pages of the rough perspective exercise - Extend your depth lines back to the horizon line to check your work.
Both pages of the organic box exercise - Please do not sketch this out first in pencil or use any pencil throughout the exercise. This needs to be done entirely with fineliner and do not add spheres or pyramids. Just stick to boxes like the assignment asks
I did 2 pages of Ellipses in Funnels because the first page didn't come out very well, so I chalked it up as a warm up page and did another.
The ellipses in funnels are looking good. You could have packed them tighter together as that's an oppurtunity to get more ellipse practice in. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/18/spacing One thing you could have done with these is start with a narrower degree ellipse in the center and then widen the degrees of the ellipses as they move outwards in the funnel. Please check the example here. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/18/step3 This helps with practicing different degrees of ellipses. Good job extending the line on your rough perspective boxes to check your work. The organic perspective boxes look great and really solid. I'm going to mark this as complete and good luck with the 250 box challenge.
Next Steps:
The 250 Box Challenge
Every now and then I'll get someone asking me about which ruler I use in my videos. It's this Wescott grid ruler that I picked up ages ago. While having a transparent grid is useful for figuring out spacing and perpendicularity, it ultimately not something that you can't achieve with any old ruler (or a piece of paper you've folded into a hard edge). Might require a little more attention, a little more focus, but you don't need a fancy tool for this.
But hey, if you want one, who am I to stop you?
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