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2 users agree
8:40 PM, Thursday February 9th 2023


Generally done well. You have convyed perspective well as the width of the arrow gets smaller as it moves further into the page or wider as it comes forward tpward the viewer. Only thing to point out here is adding lineweight/shading should be done neatly, taking your time using ghosting, it looks rushed for some arrows.

Organic forms - Contour ellipses

Sausage forms are drawn smoothly and you have drawn the ellipses with changing degrees throughtout. One thing to point out is that you should draw the poles (the small ellipse) only when it is actually facing/visible to the viewer. See here:

Organic forms - Contour curves

Some of the curves are outside the boundaries. Take your time to ghost until you comfortable to make your marks.


You have done well in identifying cast shadow shapes and being able to create a gradient with them. Perhaps the middle texture could be more graded.

Texture analysis

The textures look really good but the only thing to take note of is that the textures should be graded from dark to light from the edge of the organic form to the centre as you did in the first page but no the second. Also, the scale texture does not follow the flow of the form as it does say for the bark texture you did.

Form intersections

Most intersections feel solid and believable. Adding lineweight around the forms, not the intersections, will allow 3D forms look like one large mass rather than drawing the eye to multiple intersections. Also, take your time to do your hatching as it looks rushed. Take your time to ghost.

Organic intersections

On a whole they look solid and you have wrapped cast shadows around the forms they are being cast onto. There is one form you forgot the contour line along its lenght but this is minor.

Overall, you have done well and good luck with the next lesson!

Next Steps:

Move onto lesson 3!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
9:36 AM, Friday February 10th 2023

Hi thank you so much for your critique!!

I definitely see what you mean about alot of my hatching looking rushed. I will work to improve this.

For the organic forms I did some of them with two faces because, I was trying to convey them arching, to have both sides facing, would you recommend not doing this for future or just try to make it clearer somehow making it clearer?

With the second page of form dissections i was trying to change the lights direction. is it better to keep the light direction the same for this exercise or, is it that I haven't made clear in my drawing, enough to be read as a different light direction.

Thank you again for the critique it is a huge help, I will work on the things you mentioned.

12:28 PM, Thursday February 16th 2023

Hi, for the organic forms, the change in degree of your ellipses are what will help convey the curvature of the form in 3D space, so it's best to only draw the poles if they are actually intended to be facing the viewer. Hope this helps!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Sakura Pigma Microns

Sakura Pigma Microns

A lot of my students use these. The last time I used them was when I was in high school, and at the time I felt that they dried out pretty quickly, though I may have simply been mishandling them. As with all pens, make sure you're capping them when they're not in use, and try not to apply too much pressure. You really only need to be touching the page, not mashing your pen into it.

In terms of line weight, the sizes are pretty weird. 08 corresponds to 0.5mm, which is what I recommend for the drawabox lessons, whereas 05 corresponds to 0.45mm, which is pretty close and can also be used.

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