8:41 PM, Monday September 4th 2023
Hello, my name is PizzaPlease and I am here to critique your Lesson 2 submission. Congratulations on getting through the lesson.
Your Organic Arrows pages are well-done. The lines are confident. You employed width and compression to create a convincing illusion of 3D space. You overlapped many of your arrows. Pay a bit more attention to where you place your hatching, it is sometimes on the overlapping section (reference: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/step4)
Your Organic Forms are mostly simple and have consistent widths. I recommend reviewing Uncomfortable's example page to gain a better understanding of how the ellipses describe the sausage in 3D, yours are inconsistent. You shouldn't place visible contour ellipses when both sides are facing away, like in most of your sausage forms (reference: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/368871002584907776/867744968432549928/QTEqgJa_1.png?width=618&height=601).
Your Texture Analysis page is wonderful. You clearly paid attention to shadow shapes and achieved an excellent gradient with the corn texture. It looks like you relied too much on stippling for the plaster wall texture, using it like hatching.
Your pages of dissections show close observation of various textures, but you use hatching here quite a bit (reference: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/2/formshading). Avoid this in the future. Cast shadows should be drawn as shapes and then filled in with solid black.
The forms in your Form Intersections should be equilateral to each other (reference: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/8/stretched). You do get better at this in the later pages. You did well completely filling the pages and not clustering forms. I would recommend placing contour ellipses on your spheres to help sell three-dimensionality, but this will be covered more in Lesson 3. Some of your boxes are a little wonky, either not converging at all or diverging significantly. Remember to take your time figuring out convergences, as they are very important to consistent three-dimensionality.
The Organic Instersections pages look good, but might be a little over-full (look at the number Uncomfortable did: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/9/example). The sausage forms at the tops of the piles don't look convincing, like on the far left of page 1 and the far right of page 2. They look good for the most part and are drawn through properly. The degrees of your contour curves could be varied more, but that'll improve with time.
Next Steps:
Lesson 3 is next.
You're doing great so far.