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2:17 PM, Friday September 16th 2022


Great job on finishing Lesson 1! I will try to give you some feedback.

On your Lines exercise i see a lot of arching, and little overshooting. It looks like you focused more on being accurate than confident with your Lines, (something a lot of us do) try focusing more on drawing your Lines from your shoulder instead of your arm or wrist.

With longer Lines it might help you to focus on the end point while drawing the Line. Overshooting your Lines is completely normal at this stage, your accuracy will develop over time so don't fuss about a Line deviating too much at this stage.

(This picture might help you https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/3 )

What we are trying to achieve with these exercises is to get you to draw confident Lines from your shoulder muscles.

The same concept of confidence over accuracy applies for the ghosted Lines, while you did a great job at being accurate again there is some wobbling and arching in them. Try ghosting your Line multiple times from your shoulder until you feel confident enough, then commit to it. If you end up deviating from your endpoint (wich is totally fine at this point) you should still have achieved our main goal, a confident line. (accuracy develops over time)

You did really well again filling the whole pages accurately with the Ghosted Planes and the quality of lines seem to have improved over the 2 pages as well! The same principal from the Ghosted Lines applies here, focusing on confidence from your shoulder is still our main objective here! Try to ghost each Line multiple times before committing in order to gain the needed confidence to commit to it. This might end up in you drawing your line faster then before,in order for it not to get wobbly, which is why you will loose accuracy at the start.

On to your Table of Ellipses, while you did a great job at keeping your ellipses aligned and separated correctly, but you seem to have under- or overdrawn them. Remember that we want to ghost each ellipses from our shoulder before we commit to our first pass, which will still deviate a little so we give it a second and maybe third pass. It is really vital that you take your time Ghosting each ellipse multiple times in order to gain enough confidence in your shoulder movement so that you can commit to your Ellipse confidently. Keep in mind that, just like with the Lines exercise, it is fine if our Ellipses end up overshooting each other by a bit in either direction, as long as they are drawn smoothly and confidently.

While most of your Ellipses in Planes are drawn in correct, the same problem seems to have occurred as in the Table of Ellipses, it looks like instead of ghosting the Ellipses multiple times you went over them more than 3 times. Try to take the time to ghost the Ellipse more instead of going over it more than 3 times in order to correct your initial Ellipse.

In the Funnel Exercise you aligned your Ellipses correctly in the Funnels and kept them inside their boundaries besides making sure you ghost them enough in the Future you should try to make the Ellipses get bigger the further they move towards the outside of the Funnel like here https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/c0447c15.jpg

You did really well on the Plotted Perspective nothing for me to critique here!

On the Rough Perspective your Vanishing Points seem to be converging pretty well! Your horizontal and vertical lines seem pretty fine, but ghosting your lines from your shoulder could have helped make them smoother and more confident.

Smaller dots are preferred since they distract less from your overall drawing and are easier to draw over with your lines than the bigger ones.

The Rotated Boxes is one of the hardest Exercises in this Lesson and yours is done so good already! The only tip i could give you is to try and keep your depth Line of the cubes next to your original cube the same length, so they don't end up shorter on the sides. Again well done!

Finishing with your Organic Perspective, they all look like they are getting smaller in the distance and your boxes don't seem to converge much either well done again. One thing you might want to try when doing this as a warm up is to overlap some of your boxes a bit more, and experiment some more with the flow Lines.

This was a solid submission I think you grasp most of the concepts really well from this Lesson.

There is basically only one thing I would like you to pay more attention to and that is the Ghosting Method.

I think it might be beneficial to get you more comfortable with this concept of Lesson 1. That's why i want you to do 1 more page of the Ghosted Planes exercise as well as 1 Page of the Ellipses in Funnels exercise to deepen that concept a little more before you move on to the 250 Box challenge. Make sure to ghost each Line and Ellipse enough from your arm and turn the page if necessary for the next one.

Best of luck!

Next Steps:

1 Page of Ghosted Planes

1 Page of Ellipses in Funnels

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
12:22 AM, Saturday September 17th 2022
8:21 PM, Saturday September 17th 2022

Looking better already!

Next Steps:

Keep up with the warmups and feel free to move on to the 250 box challenge.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
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