Hi there!

Good job on finishing this lesson.

Your superimposed lines are well packed together. Overall your lines are a bit wobbly, I believe you might had trouble while repeating the same stroke over the original line. Even on some of your ghosted lines, I can notice some slight arching in them. Be sure to draw your lines with a shoulder motion, so that lines will not wobble or arch. Naming the points in ghosted lines is quite a good idea.

Your ghosted planes are very good, but you didn't plot your lines in some occasion, whether they are intersecting at the same point or not. Always use ghosting for every line you draw, as this gives you a goal to draw to. Also, by checking how far away your lines are from the intersection of other lines, you can easily identify your mistakes, which will help you improve.

Your ellipses are also good, and you did draw through them, but, more specifically on the ellipses in planes, some wobbly marks are seen and I feel you went through them one time too many. Draw each ellipse 2 or 3 times at most. This is where I feel you struggled the most.

Moving on to your boxes. You rough perspective is also very good and everything is well aligned with the horizon. Although not very noticeable, few of your lines are slightly wobbly. I feel this happened because you might have drawn them at a slower pace, in order to make sure they would reach their destination.

Your rotated boxes are very clean and you did well keeping them packed together. I feel you have pushed the rotation a bit further on the "corner" boxes of each quadrant, but, overall, you did a very good job here.

Now, your organic perspective is also very well done. The compositions are nice, you have exaggerated the difference between the smaller and larges boxes, in order to better sell the illusion of depth. You could have increased the line weight of the overlapping lines, to highlight which box is in front. You did a good job making it seem that the boxes belong to the same 3D space, although some of the boxes perspective could have been better. This is not too worrisome here, because you'll have time to practice perspective during the next steps.

As I said before, your work here is overall very good. Don't forget to warm up with some of these exercises and good luck for the boxes challenge.